26.8 C
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

‘INSODERS’ Platform Pemantauan Data Pembangunan Sosial Lebih Efisien

Dalam usaha hendak meningkatkan kesejahteraan sosial, Pejabat Residen Bahagian Mukah menerusi Kumpulan IPOK telah memperkenalkan sistem pelaporan dan pemantauan data yang lebih efisien dikenali sebagai INSODERS (Integrated Social Development Reporting System).

A Leap Towards Sustainable Waste Management in Sarawak

The 3R Smart Community Station revolutionises waste management in Sarawak through technology and community participation. This initiative addresses waste challenges, fosters recycling habits, and aligns with sustainable development goals.
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First Phase of KUTS Project in Full Swing

Progress of the ongoing Phase One of the Kuching Urban Transportation System is over 25 per cent as of November 2024, and is given an allocation of RM1.42 billion under the 2025 Sarawak Budget to maintain its momentum.

Mengupayakan Masa Depan Sarawak Melalui Integrasi Teknologi dan Bandar Pintar

Artikel ini membincangkan usaha Sarawak dalam membangunkan bandar pintar melalui penerapan teknologi 4G dan 5G, dengan fokus kepada peningkatan infrastruktur telekomunikasi dan peluang ekonomi digital. Pelaksanaan projek bandar pintar di Bintulu dan Miri dijangka memperkukuhkan sektor perniagaan, pendidikan, dan kesihatan, di samping mengatasi cabaran seperti vandalisme terhadap infrastruktur. Inisiatif ini memerlukan kerjasama antara kerajaan, sektor swasta, dan masyarakat untuk memastikan manfaat teknologi dapat dinikmati semua lapisan masyarakat. Dengan visi mencapai status negeri maju menjelang 2030, Sarawak komited memacu inovasi dan daya saing global.

Hab Pusat Data Menyokong Transformasi Ekonomi Digital Sarawak

Pusat data diperlukan untuk menyokong operasi perniagaan, aplikasi digital dan perkhidmatan berasaskan internet dengan menyediakan infrastruktur yang selamat dan boleh dipercayai. Antara contoh pusat data ialah iCloud, Google Drive, Microsoft Cloud dan lain-lain lagi.

Meningkatkan Penggunaan Tenaga Boleh Diperbaharui

Dalam menghadapi cabaran perubahan iklim dan keperluan untuk sumber tenaga yang lebih mampan, meningkatkan penggunaan tenaga boleh diperbaharui menjadi semakin penting.

Championing Science, Technology and Innovation in Developing Countries

As demonstrated by the United Nations, highlighting the importance of science, technology and innovation in driving sustainable development, especially in developing nations, is a global effort.

Sarawak’s Digital Construction Revolution

Sarawak’s construction industry is undergoing a transformation shift towards digital construction, driven by technologies like Building Information Modelling (BIM), artificial intelligence (AI), and cloud computing. This revolution is not only enhancing project efficiency and sustainability but also contributing to the state’s broader economic goals. By embracing digital tools, Sarawak is optimizing resource management, reducing environmental impact, and empowering local talent and businesses. Aligned with the Sarawak Digital Economy Blueprint 2030, this digital transformation positions the state as a leader in sustainable development and digital construction, building a prosperous and resilient future for all Sarawakians.

A Pathway to Global Competitiveness

The digital transformation of Sarawak’s construction industry is revolutionizing project management, efficiency, and global competitiveness. Through the adoption of advanced technologies such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), artificial intelligence (AI), and the internet of Things (IoT), Sarawak is setting new standards in construction. Key industry players, including PCSS and the Association of Professional Technicians and Technologists (APTT), are driving this change by fostering collaboration across sectors. This transformation aligns with Sarawak’s broader goals outlined in the Digital Economy Blueprint 2030, positioning the state as a leader in digital construction and contributing to its economic development and global stature.

High-Tech Incinerators: A Necessary Solution for Waste Management in Sarawak?

This article explores incinerators in Sarawak’s waste management strategy, examining their benefits, environmental concerns, and alternatives, and how the public should adopt zero-waste practices for a sustainable future.


Menggalakkan Perkhidmatan Mobiliti Hijau Baharu

Hari ini, perkhidmatan mobiliti baharu yang lebih mesra alam seperti skuter elektrik, penyewaan basikal, perkongsian kereta dan sistem parkir pintar sedang berkembang pesat dan boleh mengurangkan kesesakan, pencemaran dan kebergantungan pada kereta milik persendirian.

Boost Your Role as a Tourism Ambassador with PANDei E-Pelancongan

In joining this online course, you will gain more information about Sarawak through its places of interest, history, locals and culture, and even increase your awareness of Responsible Tourism and knowledge on the various forms of tourism that can be developed in Sarawak.

e-Pelancongan Online Learning Course

Sarawak aims to take advantage of e-tourism by having community-based tourism be integral to the industry and boost tourism.

Sarawak Museum App Enhancing Museum Experience

Through the app, users will also have a more in-depth information of the collection by scanning the QR codes located near any artefacts in all the museums in Sarawak.
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Inisiatif Kualiti HRD JTS Mempertingkatkan Kecekapan Perkhidmatan

Unit Pembangunan Sumber Manusia (HRD) Jabatan Tanah dan Survei (JTS) Sarawak memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam meningkatkan kapasiti modal insan dan pelaksanaan inisiatif kualiti untuk mempertingkatkan kecekapan perkhidmatan awam.

‘INSODERS’ Platform Pemantauan Data Pembangunan Sosial Lebih Efisien

Dalam usaha hendak meningkatkan kesejahteraan sosial, Pejabat Residen Bahagian Mukah menerusi Kumpulan IPOK telah memperkenalkan sistem pelaporan dan pemantauan data yang lebih efisien dikenali sebagai INSODERS (Integrated Social Development Reporting System).

A Leap Towards Sustainable Waste Management in Sarawak

The 3R Smart Community Station revolutionises waste management in Sarawak through technology and community participation. This initiative addresses waste challenges, fosters recycling habits, and aligns with sustainable development goals.


Kesedaran Keselamatan Siber

Kempen kesedaran keselamatan siber khususnya scam dan penipuan dalam talian perlu dipergiat dan diperluaskan kesemua lapisan masyarakat dengan pendekatan yang lebih kreatif dan komprehensif.

SMEs On Becoming Sustainable And Socially Responsible Through Digitalization

As the backbone of the economy, it is imperative for Small, Medium Entrepreneurs (SMEs) to embrace digitalization for sustainability through the adoption of Sarawak’s Post-COVID 19 Development Strategy 2030 (PCDS 2030) and the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG).

Kelebihan dan Kelemahan Perbankan Internet

Perubahan teknologi telah memberi kesan yang besar ke atas perkembangan ekonomi secara global dan tidak terkecuali, sektor perbankan turut merasi kesannya sehingga wujudnya satu alternatif iaitu perkhidmatan perbankan internet.


Peluang dan Cabaran Sektor Ekonomi GIG

Ekonomi Gig merupakan salah satu daripada pelbagai model perniagaan dalam e-Dagang atau Ekonomi Digital yang tertakluk kepada Seksyen 4 (a) di bawah ACP, 1967.

Privasi dan Keselamatan Data di Era Digital

Dalam era digital yang semakin maju dan berkembang pesat, privasi dan keselamatan data menjadi semakin penting, justeru setiap kita diperingatkan agar mengambil langkah-langkah yang perlu bagi melindungi maklumat-maklumat peribadi kita.

Science, Technology, Innovation and Economics in the Malaysian Scenario

An overview of science, technology, innovation and economics (STIE), a concept introduced in Malaysia’s National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2021-2030 as a fundamental element in the country’s policy and development.

The Many Applications of AI

A look at real-world applications of artificial intelligence (AI) that are expected or has been creating significant impact.
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Pertanian Berasas Teknologi Untuk Makanan Masa Depan

Penggunaan teknologi baharu yang boleh diaplikasikan dan dikomersilkan dalam sektor pertanian perlu dimanfaatkan agar hasil pertanian mampu memenuhi permintaan makanan dalam negara seterusnya mengurangkan kebergantungan terhadap makanan import.

Technology Vital to Address Food Security

The utilisation of technology and innovation for food security is vital to ensure economic and social development.

Solving Food Wastage Using Technology

As food wastage becomes a huge problem, technology has shown to be a promising solution in resolving food wastage around the world.

How 3D Printing Can Change The Way We Eat

Three-dimensional printing (3D printing) technology has been used in various fields such as environmental fields, medical systems and now, the food industry.