26 C
Saturday, September 21, 2024

A Pathway to Global Competitiveness

The digital transformation of Sarawak’s construction industry is revolutionizing project management, efficiency, and global competitiveness. Through the adoption of advanced technologies such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), artificial intelligence (AI), and the internet of Things (IoT), Sarawak is setting new standards in construction. Key industry players, including PCSS and the Association of Professional Technicians and Technologists (APTT), are driving this change by fostering collaboration across sectors. This transformation aligns with Sarawak’s broader goals outlined in the Digital Economy Blueprint 2030, positioning the state as a leader in digital construction and contributing to its economic development and global stature.

High-Tech Incinerators: A Necessary Solution for Waste Management in Sarawak?

This article explores incinerators in Sarawak’s waste management strategy, examining their benefits, environmental concerns, and alternatives, and how the public should adopt zero-waste practices for a sustainable future.
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A Pathway to Global Competitiveness

The digital transformation of Sarawak’s construction industry is revolutionizing project management, efficiency, and global competitiveness. Through the adoption of advanced technologies such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), artificial intelligence (AI), and the internet of Things (IoT), Sarawak is setting new standards in construction. Key industry players, including PCSS and the Association of Professional Technicians and Technologists (APTT), are driving this change by fostering collaboration across sectors. This transformation aligns with Sarawak’s broader goals outlined in the Digital Economy Blueprint 2030, positioning the state as a leader in digital construction and contributing to its economic development and global stature.

High-Tech Incinerators: A Necessary Solution for Waste Management in Sarawak?

This article explores incinerators in Sarawak’s waste management strategy, examining their benefits, environmental concerns, and alternatives, and how the public should adopt zero-waste practices for a sustainable future.

SAIC Akan Meningkatkan Kecekapan Dalam Sistem Pentadbiran

Teknologi kecerdasan buatan atau dikenal sebagai Artificial Intelligence (AI) merupakan simulasi proses kecerdasan manusia yang dijana oleh mesin terutamanya sistem komputer dan aplikasi khusus AI termasuklah sistem pakar (expert system), pemprosesan bahasa semula jadi (natural language processing), pengecaman pertuturan (speech recognition) dan penglihatan mesin (machine vision).

Industri Semikonduktor Sarawak

Semikonduktor ialah komponen penting peranti elektronik, membolehkan kemajuan dalam komunikasi, pengkomputeran, penjagaan kesihatan, sistem ketenteraan, pengangkutan, tenaga bersih dan banyak lagi. Industri semikonduktor merujuk kepada keseluruhan proses pembuatan, pengeluaran dan pengedaran komponen elektronik yang menggunakan bahan semikonduktor.

Vision for a Digitally Connected Sarawak

Sarawak Digital and Connectivity Day showcased innovations and initiatives aimed at enhancing rural connectivity, highlighting the MySDEC app and MySRBN service, driving digital inclusion across Sarawak.

Driving Impact Through Research at the Centre for Sustainable Technologies

The Centre for Sustainable Technologies at Swinburne Sarawak drives impactful sustainable innovation through multidisciplinary research in energy, infrastructure, waste management, and environmental studies, fostering industry and community partnerships for real-world solutions.

Kenyalang Smart City

The project’s focus on renewable energy and sustainable practices aligns with global environmental goals and positions Sarawak as a leader in green urban development.

Makmal Prototaip IR 4.0 Bantu Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Pendigitalan

Makmal Prototaip Revolusi Industri (IR) 4.0 yang dilancar pada 13 Jun 2022 merupakan batu loncatan untuk Sarawak menuju ke arah mencapai status negeri maju berpendapatan tinggi menjelang 2030.


Menggalakkan Perkhidmatan Mobiliti Hijau Baharu

Hari ini, perkhidmatan mobiliti baharu yang lebih mesra alam seperti skuter elektrik, penyewaan basikal, perkongsian kereta dan sistem parkir pintar sedang berkembang pesat dan boleh mengurangkan kesesakan, pencemaran dan kebergantungan pada kereta milik persendirian.

Boost Your Role as a Tourism Ambassador with PANDei E-Pelancongan

In joining this online course, you will gain more information about Sarawak through its places of interest, history, locals and culture, and even increase your awareness of Responsible Tourism and knowledge on the various forms of tourism that can be developed in Sarawak.

e-Pelancongan Online Learning Course

Sarawak aims to take advantage of e-tourism by having community-based tourism be integral to the industry and boost tourism.

Sarawak Museum App Enhancing Museum Experience

Through the app, users will also have a more in-depth information of the collection by scanning the QR codes located near any artefacts in all the museums in Sarawak.
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Pertanian Pintar Di Sarawak: Langkah Ke Hadapan Menuju Kelestarian dan Kecekapan

Kerajaan Sarawak telah mencadangkan penubuhan dana khas untuk membiayai projek-projek pertanian pintar, termasuk projek perintis oleh pelajar Kolej Universiti ICATS. Program PINTAR, yang menggabungkan pendidikan STEM dengan amalan pertanian pintar, bertujuan menarik minat belia terhadap sektor ini.

DCC Tingkatkan Ketercapaian Digital

Kerajaan Sarawak telah membangunkan 45 buah Pusat Komuniti Digital (DCC) yang diselia oleh Pustaka Negeri Sarawak dan Kementerian Kesihatan Awam, Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan Sarawak (MPHLG).

DCC Persiapkan Komuniti Mendepani Perubahan Global

Secara dasarnya, Pusat Komuniti Digital (DCC) telah ditubuhkan untuk meningkatkan kemudahan dan kecekapan bagi semua komuniti untuk memperkasakan ekonomi digital.


Kesedaran Keselamatan Siber

Kempen kesedaran keselamatan siber khususnya scam dan penipuan dalam talian perlu dipergiat dan diperluaskan kesemua lapisan masyarakat dengan pendekatan yang lebih kreatif dan komprehensif.

SMEs On Becoming Sustainable And Socially Responsible Through Digitalization

As the backbone of the economy, it is imperative for Small, Medium Entrepreneurs (SMEs) to embrace digitalization for sustainability through the adoption of Sarawak’s Post-COVID 19 Development Strategy 2030 (PCDS 2030) and the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG).

Kelebihan dan Kelemahan Perbankan Internet

Perubahan teknologi telah memberi kesan yang besar ke atas perkembangan ekonomi secara global dan tidak terkecuali, sektor perbankan turut merasi kesannya sehingga wujudnya satu alternatif iaitu perkhidmatan perbankan internet.


The Many Applications of AI

A look at real-world applications of artificial intelligence (AI) that are expected or has been creating significant impact.

Kepentingan Teknologi AI Dalam Sistem Pentadbiran Kerajaan

Teknologi kecerdasan buatan (AI) telah menjadi komponen penting dalam pelbagai bidang termasuk pentadbiran, pendidikan, pertanian dan sebagainya kerana ia berupaya membawa transformasi dalam sesebuah organisasi dengan menawarkan penyelesaian yang lebih cekap, tepat, dan berkesan.

NADI Bridging the Digital Divide

For rural communities, the National Information Dissemination Centre or NADI initiative have led to significant impacts in the way they utilise the Internet and technology to improve their digital skills, knowledge and living standards.

Paving the Path to a Green Future

Sarawak is leveraging its natural resources to power economic growth and support socio-economic development. The state’s commitment to renewable energy is underscored by significant investments, strategic partnerships, and initiatives such as the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE) and the Net Energy Metering scheme.
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Pertanian Berasas Teknologi Untuk Makanan Masa Depan

Penggunaan teknologi baharu yang boleh diaplikasikan dan dikomersilkan dalam sektor pertanian perlu dimanfaatkan agar hasil pertanian mampu memenuhi permintaan makanan dalam negara seterusnya mengurangkan kebergantungan terhadap makanan import.

Technology Vital to Address Food Security

The utilisation of technology and innovation for food security is vital to ensure economic and social development.

Solving Food Wastage Using Technology

As food wastage becomes a huge problem, technology has shown to be a promising solution in resolving food wastage around the world.

How 3D Printing Can Change The Way We Eat

Three-dimensional printing (3D printing) technology has been used in various fields such as environmental fields, medical systems and now, the food industry.