The 3R Smart Community Station revolutionises waste management in Sarawak through technology and community participation. This initiative addresses waste challenges, fosters recycling habits, and aligns with sustainable development goals.
Progress of the ongoing Phase One of the Kuching Urban Transportation System is over 25 per cent as of November 2024, and is given an allocation of RM1.42 billion under the 2025 Sarawak Budget to maintain its momentum.
The Regional Corridor Development Authority (RECODA) is advancing Sarawak’s commitment to sustainable development through the Northern Coastal Highway (NCH) project, an 88-kilometer dual carriageway integrating green technology to balance infrastructure growth with environmental preservation.
Under the PCDS 2030, “basic infrastructure” had been identified as one of the seven enablers to support the seven strategic thrusts with greater emphasis on innovation, creativity and competitiveness.
Through various initiatives, Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) is modernising its services through digital technology and boosting its accessibility to the public, whether in urban or rural areas.
MRANTI 5G Experience Centre will unlocks the potential for a wide variety of use cases to be developed, including those that help corporations meet sustainability goals and improve supply chain.
As the backbone of the economy, it is imperative for Small, Medium Entrepreneurs (SMEs) to embrace digitalization for sustainability through the adoption of Sarawak’s Post-COVID 19 Development Strategy 2030 (PCDS 2030) and the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG).
Menggunakan internet maklumat diperolehi lebih cepat dan murah selain dapat mengurangkan perbelanjaan kertas dan kos pengeluaran serta penyebaran kerana pengguna boleh mendapatkan buku, majalah, brosur dan sebagainya di internet.
Ekosistem Digital dan Inovasi Sarawak atau singkatannya Sarawak Digital merupakan salah satu inisiatif pemangkin yang dilaksanakan SDEC sejajar dengan Strategi Ekonomi Digital Sarawak (2018-2022) dan Strategi Pembangunan Pasca COVID (PCDS) 2030 ke arah mencapai Sarawak maju menjelang 2030.
Menggunakan eLASIS, urusan seperti jualan peta, carian pendaftaran tanah, siasatan premium dan sewa tanah, penyerahan instrumen tanah dan penyerahan kerja survei menjadi lebih mudah, tepat dan pantas.
Unit Pembangunan Sumber Manusia (HRD) Jabatan Tanah dan Survei (JTS) Sarawak memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam meningkatkan kapasiti modal insan dan pelaksanaan inisiatif kualiti untuk mempertingkatkan kecekapan perkhidmatan awam.
Dalam usaha hendak meningkatkan kesejahteraan sosial, Pejabat Residen Bahagian Mukah menerusi Kumpulan IPOK telah memperkenalkan sistem pelaporan dan pemantauan data yang lebih efisien dikenali sebagai INSODERS (Integrated Social Development Reporting System).
The 3R Smart Community Station revolutionises waste management in Sarawak through technology and community participation. This initiative addresses waste challenges, fosters recycling habits, and aligns with sustainable development goals.
Progress of the ongoing Phase One of the Kuching Urban Transportation System is over 25 per cent as of November 2024, and is given an allocation of RM1.42 billion under the 2025 Sarawak Budget to maintain its momentum.